Cuteness: Back Up and Running

Here are some pics of the world’s cutest baby. (We’re not biased. Others have confirmed this. In fact, yesterday we had brunch with friends and one of them called Alexandra the world’s cutest baby. WHILE HE WAS HOLDING HIS OWN DAUGHTER. I am not making this up.)


“Ahhh!” really means “Go Blue!” in Alex-ese (November 5th).


At Baby Sign Language Class (November 7th).


Being bashful at class (November 7th).


Democracy doesn’t get any cuter than this (November 8th).


GOGGLES! (At swim class on November 11th.)


I’m hungry for knowledge (November 12th).


Oooh! What’s this, Grandpa?? (November 13th)


Someone packed her angry eyes!
(November 14th)