I’m sure you’re all STUNNED to learn that Alexandra is quite the chatterbox. She keeps up a dialogue with me on most days. It’s sort of like talking with someone in a foreign language…I know she’s trying to communicate with me, but I’m not exactly sure what it is she’s saying.
We can say that her “k” sound generally means “cat.” That mostly applies to Bugsy, but she’s also used it for other cats we’ve met. Bo seems to be “guh” (for some reason, the last sound stuck on this one). “Dada” is used extensively in communication, though Ian is included in that broad usage. She’s also made the “mmm” sound, but generally while she’s eating. Nowhere near “mama” yet. Though Ian has reported hearing a “MMMMAAAA!” scream when she wants me. (*Heart melting*)
The big news around here is that we went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium yesterday; pictures and video to come. In the meantime, enjoy some pics from the last few days: