Author Archives: ianmmc

You’ll Feel Better When Alex is Dancin’!

For the past several weeks, Alexandra has been taking weekly tap dance lessons with Small Fry Dance Club here in San Mateo. She loves Teacher Christa almost as much as she loves her tap shoes. Yes, indeed – our percussive princess who notably made her presence & personality known prenatally by kicking in rhythm to the drums of a parade in Panzano, Italy in April, 2012 definitely has a performance style that pleases her.

I shot this video through the window between the dance studio & gallery today. Alex would only allow Mommy to sit with her in the studio, but that was a-okay by me since that meant I actually got to see her face rather than her back! (You can see Lara in the background recording from the reverse, since she’s keeping clips of Alex’s progress for her – and yes, we are actually watching Alex with our eyes rather than looking at our phone screens.) I synched the video up to the music they’re dancing to behind the glass, so you can get a sense.

She’ll have a recital on June 26 if anyone is around and wants to join!

Golf Made Easy!

What this video doesn’t contain is Alexandra giving me golf instruction. “Daddy, this is the ball. You have to get the ball closer to thing. Even closer!”

Still cute, though. 🙂

Alexandra in Concert

Not much to see in this video (although who doesn’t like fairy wings?), but turn up the volume and give a listen! Sure, yeah – it’s just a three and a half year old playing around on a piano, but it’s not random and actually somewhat beautiful. (Says the performer’s incredibly biased father.)


(The venue is the Ferris house. You can see Alex’s friend Amelia make a few passes in front of the camera.)

Alex’s First Ballet Class

Our posts may be few and far between, but this is too adorable not to share. Alex had her first class at Tutu School in Redwood City today. Our dinosaur-loving, firefighting, Frozen fanatic of a daughter is delightedly adding “ballerina” to her resume. 🙂